Consider taking one of our Evidence-based programs!
The CAC staff are certified trainers/ facilitators for the programs below. Our comfortable conference room is available for smaller trainings. Larger trainings can be accommodated at a site of your choosing. For offsite trainings, we require a minimum of 5 attendees.
Please contact us at 802-442-5107 for more information.

Prevent Child Abuse Vermont's Healthy Relationship Project
*Care for Kids
*We Care Elementary
*Safe-T Program
*Nurturing Healthy Sexual
Stewards of Children aligns with Vermont's Act 1 (Erin's Law) *Increases awareness of sexual
*Teaches new skills for adults to
recognize, react, and prevent
childhood sexual abuse
6 Trainings are available
Shared Hope: Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking Awareness
This presentation will define Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking, deliver facts, explain the recruitment and grooming process, and the control the “Pimp” has over their victims after recruitment. The more awareness we have as a community, the better prepared we are to take action. Being a small rural community, we will also learn how susceptible our youth really are to this.